All posts by sciwrite

update May 4, 2013

We look forward to seeing you all on Monday evening. We’ve emailed everyone some airplane reading — links to additional material you can read before the lectures. Anyone looking to share rides from the airport can post a notice on the bulletin board (we emailed everyone the password) or use the Twitter hashtag that we sent you. Our Twitter address:


update April 4, 2013

We just received the following message from the Inn of the Governors:

We just sold the last room in the group block. Unfortunately, due to the hotel occupancy, we cannot continue to offer the group rate. We will offer any additional callers the best available rate that remains at the time of the call. And, if any of those individuals book, they will be considered “commuters” for the meals.

We hope everyone who wanted to stay at the hotel has already made their reservation. Let us know if you have any trouble finding alternatives. There are suggestions on the web site.


update March 29, 2013

We’re now taking applications for the waiting list. We almost always get a couple of cancellations at this point, so we urge you to apply. Once the class list is settled, we will be posting the instructor assignments.
