We are now taking applications at sciwrite.org
All posts by sciwrite
October 24, 2017 update
We’re pleased to announce that Robert Lee Hotz, Pulitzer-prize-winning science journalist for The Wall Street Journal, will be joining us as an instructor for 2018. We are now updating the website and will begin taking applications in the next few days. Please keep checking back.
October 19, 2017 update
We are almost ready to begin taking applications. Instructors for 2018 will be
• Henry Fountain, climate reporter for the New York Times and author of The Great Quake
• Cornelia Dean, for mer Science Editor ofThe New York Times and author of Making Sense of Science, Against the Tide, and other books
• Sandra Blakeslee, longtime science writer for the New York Times and co-author of Sleights of Mind, The Body Has a Mind of its Own and other books
• George Johnson, two time winner of the AAAS Science Journalism Award and author of The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments, The Cancer Chronicles, and other books
• and one other to be announced
October 15, 2017 update
October 2, 2017 update
2018 workshop
Next week in Santa Fe
We’re looking forward to meeting you on Monday evening. The weather may be brisk some days, with highs ranging from the low to mid 60s cooling into the 40s and even high 30s at night. There is always the chance of a thunderstorm, but these are usually short and mild.
Before you arrive, please take another look at the schedule http://sciwrite.org/scisked17.html, and please keep an eye on the Latest Updates. Some of the instructors will be posting suggested readings for their talks.
For those of you who use Twitter, the hashtag will be #sfsciwrite. Alex Witze has put together a list of all the participants and instructors whose Twitter handles she could find: https://twitter.com/alexwitze/lists/santa-fe-sciwrite-2017/members. You can send her a direct message if you’d like to be added.
Finally a word on logistics. About 10 of you said you will have cars. There is a parking garage for guests at the hotel. If you’re not staying there, you’ll need to get a parking pass.
On Tuesday morning we will all meet in the hotel lobby (including commuters) and carpool to the Santa Fe Institute, which is about 10 minutes away. If you have a car and are willing to drive, please make yourself known (wave keys in air, etc.,) and when you have a full car please head to the destination. Driving directions will be in your registration packet. We’ll give you more details when we meet Monday evening and will answer any questions.
We’re looking forward to meeting you all.
homework, part 2
Here are a couple of more readings for my talk:
Readings for Sandy’s talk
April 27, 2017 upate
For those of you who use Twitter, the hashtag will be #sfsciwrite. Alex Witze has put together a list of all the participants and instructors whose Twitter handles she could find: https://twitter.com/alexwitze/lists/santa-fe-sciwrite-2017/members. You can send her a direct message if you’d like to be added.
Please stay tuned for more announcements.