There are currently 11 people on the waiting list.
All posts by sciwrite
hotel deadline
Please note that April 6 is the deadline for registering at Inn of the Governors for one of the remaining discounted rooms. Details are at
update March 17, 2019
We’ve posted the class list.
update March 11, 2019
We’re pleased to announce the names of the two speakers we’ll hear from during our visit to the Santa Fe Institute: Andy Rominger and Joshua Garland.
Daily schedule
We’ve posted a preliminary daily schedule.
update February 2, 2019
update January 26, 2019
A couple of announcements:
Steve Paulson and Anne Strainchamps will be collaborating on a presentation about how they use the tools of radio production to tell compelling stories for their show “To The Best Of Our Knowledge” and will team-teach a workshop group.
In addition we will be joined during the week by Christie Aschwanden, freelancer extraordinaire and lead science writer for 538.
update January 22, 2019
update January 16, 2019
38 Forty of the 45 positions have now been filled.
Santa Fe Science Writing Workshop
update January 9, 2019
We’ve now filled 32 of the 45 positions, and we have three more applications pending. We encourage you to apply soon.
Santa Fe Science Writing Workshop